Category: News (Page 1 of 2)

Asian Solidarity – Special Issue

A large part of Sweet’s mission is to create a space for writers of marginalized communities. The mass shooting in Atlanta that killed 8 people–6 women of Asian descent–is a tragic reminder of the increase in hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans over the past year. According to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, hate crimes against Asian Americans increased 149% from 2019-2020. 

Everything about this breaks our hearts. This country continually breaks our hearts. But Sweet believes in the power of art, the power of words, the power to heal in the face of systems that seek to exclude, exile, and terminate. 

Sweet Lit is opening up submissions for a special issue on Asian Solidarity during the month of May. Please send your poems, short essays (300-1000) words, your in-betweens, your comics, your video and photo essays, your playlists, your rants here:


Creative Nonfiction

Nonfiction Graphics and Misc

If you’re not sure which category your piece fits into, please just select one that seems closest. Our editors will confer and reassign as needed. As always, Sweet doesn’t charge submission fees or subscriptions fees so that we may all be a part of something Sweeter.


Changes are coming

Let’s face it, the pandemic has been tough on all of us. We are all just hanging onto whatever shred of hope we can and we know it’s not over yet. But there is something we can do help the staff of our our little magazine. You all have been amazing with giving us many pieces to consider. So many that our staff can hardly keep up! Starting February 1st, we will close submissions for poetry and CNF. But there is a bigger plan!

  • Our Poetry Contest will now move to the month of February each year.
  • Flash CNF Contest will remain in November.
  • Poetry and CNF submissions will now be accepted April, May, June, and July ONLY.
  • Graphic Submissions will continue to be accepted year round.

Reducing the submission period we hope will allow our editors some respite and a faster response to our contributors. A win-win for all of us!

Thank you for your continued support and being a part of the Sweet family. We hope that you will find our changes favorable for everyone. Stay healthy, friends. Keep writing. Keep submitting.

Sweet Lit Poetry Contest 2020 Results

Thanks so much to all the wonderful poets who entered our contest this year! It was a very strong group, and both the editors and the judge remarked on how difficult it was to make final decisions.


KT Herr, “Improv”

KT Herr (she/her) is a queer poet, songwriter, and curious person with work published or forthcoming in Dream Pop, Small Orange, Frontier, Quarter After Eight, and others. KT earned her MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College, where she was the 2019-20 Thomas Lux Scholar and co-director of the 2020 Sarah Lawrence Poetry Festival. KT was awarded a 2019 Pabst Fellowship from the Atlantic Center for the Arts, and was a semifinalist in the 2020 92Y Discovery Poetry Contest. Her ghost ship is currently anchored in Oak Bluffs, MA, where she teaches poetry workshops and interns for Black Lawrence Press.


Amy Miller, “Meteor, April 2020” and “Baby”

Leila Sinclaire, “What I Mean”


Marcia Alrich, “The Dahlia”

Shevaun Brannigan, “The Men”

Rebekah Miron, “Bird Heart”

Dayna Patterson, “Pied Beauty Redux”

V.S. Ramstack, “a crow living with regret”

Sherre Vernon, “A Descriptive Linguistics of Isolation”

JUDGE: Paige Lewis is the author of Space Struck (Sarabande Books, 2019). Their poems have appeared in Poetry, American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Best New Poets 2017, Gulf Coast, The Massachusetts Review, The Georgia Review, The Iowa Review, Poetry Northwest, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. Paige currently lives and teaches in Indiana.

PROCESS: Poetry editors at Sweet Lit narrowed down the submissions to 10 finalist poems, which the judge received stripped of identifying information. The winning poem and some of the finalists will be published in Sweet Lit in the September 2020 and future issues.

In Memory…

Kayla Roseclere

We were saddened to learn that Sweet contributor Kayla Roseclere passed away in August. She was an explorer–inquisitive, intelligent–and had the ability to navigate this world and write about its subtleties in a way that connected deeply to readers. Please read her Sweet poem Synchronicity from issue 10.2 and celebrate the life of a beautiful writer. We look forward to reading her collection of poetry, The Secret Language of Crickets, coming out from Ampersand Books in 2019.

Kayla Roseclere II

You can read more of her work on her blog, The Good Men Project, and the Molotov Cocktail.

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