MS Nocturne with Fuse, Crosshairs, and Irreparable Fissure
my brain’s a dirty bomb
lashed with lightning
a series of losses
my doctor makes
no promises
yet I cleave to
a needle skimming
not puncturing
just a needle and
not a fuse
lashed with lightning
a series of losses
my doctor makes
no promises
yet I cleave to
a needle skimming
not puncturing
just a needle and
not a fuse
a malcontent } a sycamore
with lesions } my future
scried on a readout } the atlas
of my body } fissuring
my right eye } crosshaired
yes } I can still feel
my footsole } not numb yet
if the insurance } holds out
some pills } a few MRIs a year
and if I’m careful } no detonation
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