Laura E. Davis

Our bodies take flight in search of blue eggs. We swallow them whole, grow tiny herds inside our stomachs. Our long fingers sink in slowly through the earth, place a root between our thighs. We pray that we learn to sew, slip silent through the ocean waves, crack oysters open, place pearls on our tongues. We wish we had remembered our teeth. Most days we follow the sweet violence of bees, write our names on the sky with blades of grass.

Laura E. Davis is the author of the chapbook Braiding the Storm, forthcoming from Finishing Line Press (2012). Her poems are featured or forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, J.T. Eckleberg Review, Super Arrow, The Splinter Generation, and Redactions, among others. She is the Founding Editor of Weave and currently teaches kids the art of translation for Poetry Inside Out. She lives in San Francisco with her partner Sal, who shares her love of chocolate peanut butter ice cream. She blogs at Dear Outer Space.